Send an image from an image list

In order for an image to be transmitted from this program, it must be included in an image list. The image lists can be defined for different purposes. For example, for each users can be realized different lists, containing the appropriate images. Or the lists can be thematically, or just for the favorite pictures.

Edit Image Lists Window

The window has two main vertical parts. In the right is the view of the files on the folders, and in the left the image lists.

Browse the files on the right and select one or more images. In the left, create a new image list, rename an existing one or delete it. Then add images from the right, arrange them in the list or remove them.
Send the image

Connect to ICQ, select the receiver from the list of online users, choose the appropriate image list and select the image. The image can be viewed in the right panel.

Click the Send button, validate the send dialog and wait for the receiver to accept the ICQ file transfer.

The image to be sent will then remain the current image, the image after it, or a random image, depending on what was chooses in the Options tab.